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RP Weekly Leaderboard

Ends in 3 days

Previous Week

  1. #1Avatar of user: ..DoDOo..
    ..DoDOo..Scored: 2,138RP icon
  2. #2Avatar of user: -Ahmed Reda-
    -Ahmed Reda-Scored: 2,021RP icon
  3. #3Avatar of user: mummy
    mummyScored: 1,912RP icon

Current Week

  1. #1Avatar of user: 3 F R O T O
    3 F R O T OScored: 6,745RP icon
  2. #2Avatar of user: M E R O
    M E R OScored: 3,094RP icon
  3. #3Avatar of user: Salah Gharieb
    Salah GhariebScored: 1,520RP icon
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Upcoming Championship

Estimation Professionals League

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Current Championship

Estimation Professionals League

Rounds Won
Game Points
Rank Points
#1omarelfarouk77Win arrow icon691,32122Win arrow icon
#2-Ahmed Reda-Win arrow icon711,24022Win arrow icon
#3Seif N 1Win arrow icon731,46821Win arrow icon
#4V.4.VENDETTA....Win arrow icon741,42321Win arrow icon
#5HENAWYIWin arrow icon761,40421Win arrow icon
#6maged 1234Win arrow icon801,37921Win arrow icon
#7MAbdelRazikWin arrow icon711,35121Win arrow icon
#8HamdenOoOoWin arrow icon721,31821Win arrow icon
#9__ E S L A M __Win arrow icon681,07221Win arrow icon
#1070sssssssssamWin arrow icon751,48420Win arrow icon
#11..DoDOo..Win arrow icon701,34720Win arrow icon
#12abdelhameadWin arrow icon741,33920Win arrow icon
#13mohabsaeed99Win arrow icon741,31420Win arrow icon
#14DAXEE_8Win arrow icon691,29120Win arrow icon
#15Moumen66Win arrow icon681,22520Win arrow icon
#16Abo3arabWin arrow icon751,50119Win arrow icon
#17Ashraf el3eshWin arrow icon761,46019Win arrow icon
#18M E ALLAMWin arrow icon781,35519Win arrow icon
#19StrongWin arrow icon721,30519Win arrow icon
#20a.y.m.a.nWin arrow icon731,27719Win arrow icon
#21gamboryWin arrow icon721,26719Win arrow icon
#22B A S S E MWin arrow icon681,26119Win arrow icon
#23s mangoWin arrow icon741,23119Win arrow icon
#24MR_ZWin arrow icon691,21619Win arrow icon
#25prof.adelWin arrow icon691,21119Win arrow icon
#26E.L.M.O.RWin arrow icon681,16219Win arrow icon
#27ahmed_ozWin arrow icon651,16119Win arrow icon
#28smsm1414Win arrow icon711,14019Win arrow icon
#29SILENT LIONWin arrow icon621,13319Win arrow icon
#30Don Fouad 2Win arrow icon681,13019Win arrow icon
#31Maged.AliWin arrow icon661,12519Win arrow icon
#32a .R E F A A E IWin arrow icon671,10019Win arrow icon
#33HeritageWin arrow icon651,09719Win arrow icon
#34elnoobWin arrow icon621,00019Win arrow icon
#35alkhayat154Win arrow icon701,36018Win arrow icon
#36abo ye7yaWin arrow icon751,35018Win arrow icon
#37mahmoudesoukyWin arrow icon701,32118Win arrow icon
#38sokar96Win arrow icon771,31518Win arrow icon
#39darklightsWin arrow icon731,28818Win arrow icon
#40abd esalamWin arrow icon751,26118Win arrow icon
#41alaa-aboelelaWin arrow icon681,23918Win arrow icon
#42eslam badr22Win arrow icon611,17418Win arrow icon
#43d...AllyWin arrow icon681,13518Win arrow icon
#44aboshehabWin arrow icon661,12918Win arrow icon
#45V.ETA.NWin arrow icon711,10818Win arrow icon
#46Abdo HamdyWin arrow icon651,10718Win arrow icon
#47emad1122011Win arrow icon721,10618Win arrow icon
#48GHORILLAWin arrow icon661,06418Win arrow icon
#49hazzzeeemmWin arrow icon611,05118Win arrow icon
#50alaa shamsWin arrow icon6093418Win arrow icon

Game Schedule

  1. 03


    Completed icon

    7:00 PM


  2. 04


    Completed icon

    7:00 PM


  3. 05


    Completed icon

    7:00 PM


  4. 06


    Completed icon

    7:00 PM


  5. 07


    Completed icon

    7:00 PM


  6. 08


    Completed icon

    7:00 PM


Reward chest icon
#1 gets:+250,000Coins icon+10,000RP icon
#2 to #5 gets:+150,000Coins icon#6 to #25 gets:+75,000Coins icon#1 to #10 gets:Profile BadgeProfile badge icon